Brand Strategy • Communication Tone • Copywriting • Internal Activation
Portuguese sauce brand
Mendes Gonçalves wanted to invest in the name and image of the Paladin brand, and change its positioning in order to gain a greater share in the national market. Paladin was recognized (only) for its mustard.
The objective was clear and ambitious: to transform Paladin into a brand of product quality capable of representing the innovation capacity of the Portuguese and the Mendes Gonçalves company itself.
Paladin – Spices of Portugal
The answer: give Paladin the territory of “Spices of Portugal” , build the brand's territory over Portugal, from the outset through a very characteristic element of the Portuguese language: the rhyme . Not afraid of breaking the “cream” codes of the sauces linears, the black packaging with the red tongue made the difference. With brand strategists Graça Martins and Vasco Durão, designer José Mendes (MAGA), MG's R&D and design team, the Paladin brand gained consistency, notoriety and international awards.
A tongue as a symbol enhances flavor and spice; the tone of the brand continues to focus – since 2012 and throughout dozens of products – on rhymes created for each product, and the brand activations highlight the Portuguese DNA that Paladin wants to evolve.